We are your source for electronic commerce transactions that will work today and tomorrow. These transactions can be billing, payments, eligibility verification, claim status, or other transactions related to the business operation of a healthcare organization. Using such services enables organizations to say goodbye to paper shuffle and say hello to increased operation efficiencies and improved turnaround on payments.
Online Transaction Schedule
Online Eligibility and Benefits (270/271) and Claims Status (276/277) transactions may be conducted almost continuously, with the exception of Sunday, 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. MT*.
*Non-routine downtime will be communicated via designated third party independent vendor websites at least one week in advance.
Electronic Data Interchange Transactions
With EDI, health care providers can save time, money and delays in claims processing. View, track, and monitor claim status reports electronically. Learn more about EDI Transactions.
Electronic Funds Transfer / Electronic Remittance Advice
EFT is a secure method of claims payment. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico electronically transfers funds directly into the bank account of your choice for added security and prompt payments. Learn more about EFT and ERA.
Online Transaction User Guides
Discover helpful tips on how online administrative transactions can help streamline your workflow by providing fast and secure access to member information. Learn more about online transactions.
Related Information:
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