Posted 10/17/23
Updated 01/16/24
The New Mexico Human Services Department (HSD) has issued Letter of Direction (LOD) #79-1 effective September 27, 2023. This LOD directs Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) to implement a temporary economic recovery payment rate increase of 5% and 10% reimbursement for specific Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).
Provider Attestation
Providers are required to sign two attestation forms prior to BCBSNM issuing payments. Providers will need to submit one signed attestation for the 10% increase and another signed attestation for the 5% increase. The attestations can be emailed to their assigned network representative, David Hall or Jessica Maito.
Rate Increase Implementation
A 10% rate increase will be applied to claims billed for HCBS during dates of service July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico will issue the 10% increase to providers in a lump sum within 30 business days from the issuance of LOD #79-1 or 30 days after BCBSNM is in receipt of the required provider signed attestation letter, whichever is greater.
Then a 5% rate increase will be applied to claims billed for HCBS during dates of service July 1, 2023, through June 30, 2024. BCBSNM will issue quarterly lump sum payments for the 5% increase no later than 60 business days after the last day of the quarter.
Additional Information
For more information or to view the full LOD, please visit HSD’s website.