Well Child Visits Are Required for Children in State Custody Within 30 Days

Nov. 1, 2024

As a reminder, when children come into state custody, they must have a comprehensive well child checkup within 30 days.

Scheduling the checkup: The child’s caregiver is responsible for scheduling the well child checkup with the child’s primary care provider, school-based health center, federally qualified health center, rural health clinic or tribal provider. Managed care organizations will utilize available internal resources to contact the child’s caregiver to help ensure that the well child visit is scheduled within the 30 days. 

About Children in State Custody: CISC are children and youth in the legal custody of the Children Youth & Family Department’s Protective Services division. This includes Native American children and children never removed from the respondent’s home or children returned to the respondent’s home following a removal. Respondents are defendants in an abuse and neglect case under the New Mexico Children’s Code.

Visit guidelines and codes: CISC visits follow Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment tot-to-teen healthcheck guidelines for well child visits. The list of Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®) codes below should be billed with CISC specific diagnosis codes. For identification and tracking purposes, diagnosis code Z62.21 − Child in Welfare Custody must accompany the required diagnosis codes for initial or periodic screenings. 

Well Visit Codes  New Patient
99381 Infant (younger than 1 year)
99382 Early childhood (age 1–4 years)
99383 Late childhood (age 5–11 years)
99384 Adolescent (age 12–17 years)
99385 18 years or older
  Established Patient
99391 Infant (younger than 1 year)
99392 Early childhood (age 1–4 years)
99393 Late childhood (age 5–11 years)
99394 Adolescent (age 12–17 years)
99395 18 years or older


Evaluation and Management Codes  
99202 - 99205 New patient
99212 - 99215 Established patient


Refer to our EPSDT Clinical Practice and Billing Guideline for more details on well child visits.