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Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico offers health care coverage for Sandia National Laboratories. Health insurance is one of the most important components of your employee benefits.
This health plan is for members with our pre-Medicare HDHP Plan with FSA/HRA.
Welcome to Sandia National Laboratories
open enrollment for active employees.
January through December Plan Year 2025.
So why should you choose
Blue Cross and Blue Shield?
Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico offers
the largest PPO networks of providers
in the nation.
We contract with more doctors
and hospitals than any other carriers.
We provide health and wellness programs
that help
you stay healthy and manage
ongoing conditions.
You have access to digital and mobile
technology and programs
that help you manage your health
and wellness information.
We have unrivaled customer service.
You can get personalized assistance
with your questions, benefit and claim
inquiries, and help finding a provider
or navigating digital tools.
We make accessing doctors and hospitals
a top priority,
so our members have access
to the best care possible anytime,
anywhere, and our national discounts
are second to none.
So you save money.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers
you the largest
directly contracted
PPO network in the nation
with more than 2 million providers,
which includes Blue Distinction centers
such as MD Anderson, Heart Hospital,
and The University of New Mexico
Cancer Center, to name a few.
As a New Mexico resident,
the Total Health PPO and Health Savings Plan
includes access to three tiers of providers.
When enrolled, you automatically
have access to all three tiers.
Tier one includes our Blue Preferred
Plus network of providers.
You can benefit
from this select network of providers
and pay less out of pocket,
but still have flexibility to get care
from providers within our larger
PPO network in tier two.
Here's how it works
and how it can help you save money.
To get the highest level of benefits,
you and your covered dependents
should select a New Mexico provider within
the Blue Preferred Network or tier one.
You will pay the least out-of-pocket cost
by using providers
within the Blue
Preferred Network in New Mexico.
You still have the choice to get care
from providers within the larger national
PPO network in tier two, but you will pay
slightly higher out-of-pocket cost.
You will
pay the highest out-of-pocket costs
if you choose an out-of-network
provider in tier three.
You may also have to pay
those fees upfront.
You will find that there are a wide
variety of providers
throughout the state of New Mexico
within our tier
one Blue Preferred Provider network.
Included in over the 12,000 contracted
providers are UNM
Health System, Christus Saint
Vincent Health System,
Optum and Loveless Health System.
Later, we will discuss how to determine
which additional providers
are in the blue preferred network.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico
offers a national PPO program
that allows coverage
regardless of where you live.
This robust national network
is the largest in the industry.
This network also encompasses
a full range of ancillary services
such as home health care, hospice,
private duty nursing, surgery centers,
and skilled nursing facilities.
However, provider participation
may vary on a network
specific basis.
Outside of the United States
members have access
to participating doctors and hospitals
in more than 190 countries.
With BlueCard, you can enjoy the peace of mind
knowing you have access
to network providers
when traveling out of state.
Through the BlueCard PPO program,
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
plans work together to help
ensure our members receive reliable,
affordable health care.
Blue Cross Blue Shield plans
throughout the country have established
PPO networks of doctors, hospitals,
and other health care providers.
All members have to do is show their Blue
Cross and Blue Shield ID
card with the suitcase logo at the network
provider's office, just like at home.
Blue Distinction Specialty Care
focuses on hospitals
and other health care
facilities that excel in delivering
safe, effective treatment
for specialty procedures,
such as, knee and hip replacement,
cardiac care, bariatric
or weight loss surgery, and transplants.
The choices you make matter, especially
when it comes to your health care.
The hospital you select
can have a direct impact on the care
you receive and your procedure results.
But finding the right hospital
can sometimes be a challenge.
Uses patient safety and outcomes measures,
plus hospital specific costs data
to identify
expertise and efficient specialty care.
Launched in 2006,
Blue Distinction is a national designation
awarded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield
to hospitals and medical facilities
that have demonstrated expertise
in delivering quality health
care in the areas of bariatric surgery,
cardiac care,
knee and hip replacement, maternity care,
spine surgery, and transplants.
The designation is based on objective,
evidence based selection
criteria established in collaboration
with expert physicians
and medical organizations.
The Blues focused
first on high variability,
high volume and or complex procedures.
Blue Distinction Center designations
are for Blue Cross Blue Shield
participating medical facilities
and hospitals
only at this point. Not for physicians
or other individual providers.
We are thrilled to announce the launch
of a new provider option
effective July 1st, 2024,
for your employees
covered through Blue Cross and Blue
Shield New Mexico.
As you know, providing our members
with the best health
care options is top priority.
We understand
the importance of convenience,
accessibility, and quality of care.
Our new virtual primary care services
provided by Galileo
offer a range of benefits,
convenience, and accessibility.
Member can consult with the primary care
from the comfort of their own homes
or work, reducing the need for travel
and wait times for an in-person
Comprehensive care.
Virtual primary care
includes routine checkups,
chronic condition management,
prescription refills, and more.
24/7 availability.
Access to healthcare
professionals around the clock
ensures your clients receive
timely medical advice and support.
We believe this new provider option
will be a powerful addition
to the services provided to our members.
By promoting virtual primary care.
You are giving them an opportunity to
access additional providers for services.
Employer groups
and their eligible members can learn
more about Galileo
and create their account
to get started at:
How virtual visits work.
Visit the website
Choose a doctor.
Video chat with the doctor.
You can also access through Blue Access
for Members.
On the mobile app.
Download the app from the Apple Store,
Google Play or Windows Store.
Open the app and choose a doctor.
Video chat with the doctor
from your mobile device.
Via telephone.
Call MDLIVE at: (888) 676-4204
Speak with a health service specialist.
Speak with a doctor.
In the event of an emergency,
this service should not take the place of
an emergency room or urgent care center.
MDLIVE doctors
do not take the place of your primary care
diagnosis should come from your doctor
and medical advice
is always between you and your doctor.
Before contacting MDLIVE, call your doctor's office.
They may also offer
telehealth consultations
by phone or online video.
Members can take advantage
to make online video
and FaceTime calls with MDLIVE virtual visits.
They can share
complete medical history, send
and receive secure messages, and upload
and share symptoms with their provider.
All MDLIVE doctors are U.S board
MDLIVE is designed to handle
non-emergency medical conditions.
Doctors can prescribe medication
as part of an MDLIVE appointment.
The MDLIVE app takes advantage
of mobile technology members already
use and allows them to access a doctor
at home, at work or on the go,
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The MDLIVE app is available for download
on Apple and Android devices.
It is highly recommended
to register immediately.
That way, when you need assistance
through an MDLIVE doctor,
you will be good to go.
Provider Finder Platform
is available to members when logging in
through Blue Access for Members
as shown above.
So, let's get started with Provider Finder.
First, go to
Next, log in to Blue Access for Members
with your username and password.
If you are not yet a registered user,
follow the prompts to complete
You'll need some information
from your member ID card,
so be sure to have it handy.
With the Blue Preferred Plus plan,
you can save even more money
by using a doctor or hospital
that participates in the Blue
Preferred Network.
Now that you know it's cost
effective to use a provider in tier one
or tier two, let us help you find one
through our Provider Finder tool.
It's easy to find a doctor, hospital,
or other health care
provider that participates in the Blue
Preferred Network.
You can select this network name
within your search,
and if a provider is within the Blue
Preferred Network,
it will be indicated on the right hand
side of the screen.
you need to determine which network
your provider is in
to know your coverage level.
We're going to start off by
talking about your plan options
through Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
You have the choice of two plan options.
The Total Health PPO plan
or the High Deductible Health Plan.
Let's look at the Total Health PPO plan.
Total Health PPO offers direct
open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
You have the flexibility
and choice to utilize
and then network or out of network provider.
In-network, contracted, or preferred providers
have a signed contract
with Blue Cross Blue Shield,
and are responsible
for filing claims on your behalf,
and will not balance bill you.
If you choose to go out of network,
you will be able to see a licensed
non contracted provider.
Please note that you may pay
more for services received,
will need to file your own claims,
and could be balance
billed for charges over the allowable fee.
Most importantly,
the Total Health PPO plan
allows you the flexibility
to choose your own providers.
The Blue Preferred
tier one network offers similar benefits,
quality and services as a PPO tier two network
but at a more affordable cost
through an exclusive New Mexico
narrow network of providers.
Both tier one and tier two networks
offer a wide range of benefits,
including home health care, hospice,
private duty nursing, surgery,
and skilled nursing centers.
Health and wellness
programs are available,
including telemedicine
and virtual visits through MDLIVE.
Inspira Financial will be your HRA
administrator effective January 1st, 2024.
You will be able to use your debit card
for many expenses, which will give you
more control and flexibility over how
and when your funds are or
access to pay for services.
Your HRA pays your eligible expenses
as long as there's funds in it.
If you have an FSA,
these funds will be used
first to pay for any eligible expenses.
Then your HRA pays any remaining expenses.
After your FSA
and or your HRA funds have been used,
you're responsible for all costs until you
reach your out-of-pocket maximum.
Once you have met
your individual deductible or your family
members have met the family deductible,
you and the medical plan share expenses.
This is called co-insurance.
Your share is 10% of eligible
expenses for the Blue Preferred Network,
20% of eligible expenses
for In-Network PPO,
and 40% of eligible
expenses for Out-of-Network.
For your protection
there is a limit on how much you need
to pay out of your own pocket.
Once you reach the amount shown above,
you are covered
at 100% of eligible expenses
for the rest of the year.
Please remember
only your costs for health services
go towards your deductible
and out a pocket maximum.
Pharmacy costs
do not count towards your deductible
or out-of-pocket
maximum on the Total Health PPO plan.
Please note that monies
paid towards your in-network deductible
and out-of-pocket maximum do not cross
over to the out-of-network benefits.
Like the Total Health PPO
and the Health Savings Plan.
Like Total Health PPO,
the Health Savings
Plan offers direct open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
You have the flexibility and choice
to utilize an in-network or out-of-network
The Health Savings Plan is a qualified,
high deductible health plan.
Same quality and services
as a Total Health PPO plan.
Offers direct open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
All costs go towards a higher annual
Both tier one and tier two networks provide
preventive care benefits
without having to meet the deductible.
You have the flexibility and choice
to utilize a in-network or
out-of-network provider.
This plan offers a health savings account
referred to as an HSA.
In place of the FSA, HRA
offered on the Total Health PPO plan.
Optum Bank will be your Health
Savings Account administrator
With the Health Savings Plan
you will have higher deductibles,
which must be met
before any cost-sharing begins.
Once the entire deductible has been met,
you will be responsible
for the coinsurance
until your out-of-pocket maximum
has been met for the year.
With this plan,
all your medical and pharmacy
costs go towards the deductible.
Please note that monies paid
towards your in-network
deductible and out-of-pocket maximum,
do not cross over to the out-of-network
Now I'll discuss
some of the online tools
that you will have access to.
As a Blue Cross Blue Shield member,
you can utilize the Blue Access
for Members website.
You will need to register
for this password protected website
where you can: print
temporary ID cards or request new ones,
review your explanation of benefits,
email customer service,
search for contracted providers,
have access to our cost estimator tool
for the PPO plan,
which we will talk about in a moment
and access
your enhanced health and wellness tools.
Members also have access to our Blue Cross
Blue Shield New Mexico mobile app.
Please note that members must register
through our website
before they will have access to the app.
Through the app, you can view an I.D.
card and download a digital copy,
view benefits and eligibility,
including deductibles,
coinsurance, copays, out-of-pocket
maximums, and covered dependents,
view claim status,
access health and wellness tools.
Our cost estimator tool can be found
within the Provider Finder,
and it allows members to search
for estimated out-of-pocket cost
for a variety of services to see where
you and your employer can save money.
This slide shows
the expected cost range for the procedure,
followed by facilities in your search area
that perform
this procedure
along with your expected cost.
As you can see in this example,
for an artificial joint repair revision,
hip or knee,
there are differences
in cost between facilities.
These cost estimates
are based on actual benefit
plan and Blue Cross Blue Shield New Mexico
contracted amounts
and show how much deductible
and out-of-pocket amounts remain.
Now let's discuss
your health and wellness benefits.
Your health benefits
include tools that help you get healthier,
how and when it works for you.
Through Blue Access for Members,
you can access resources
to help you manage your health conditions,
get answers to health questions
and reach your wellness goals.
For quick access
to all your health and wellness resources
go to
sign up for or log into Blue Access
for Members.
If you have a serious injury or illness,
you may get a call from a Blue Cross
Blue Shield New Mexico Health advisor.
Your health advisor is a health
professional who can help
you understand your conditions and care,
plan and address your health concerns.
They work with your doctors
and your own team of specialists
to make sure you're getting appropriate
care and support
until you reach your optimum health.
When your health advisor calls,
they may ask you some personal details
to make sure they are talking
to the right person.
This is to keep your health information
Your health
advisor will not try to sell you anything,
and what you discuss with your health
advisor will not be shared
with your employer.
Introducing Hinge Health
effective January 1st, 2025.
Hinge Health provides
a digital, 12-week coach led
musculoskeletal program based on proven
non-surgical care guidelines.
The program is delivered to you using
mobile and computer guided technology.
You will have access to a personal health
exercise therapy in your own home,
education articles to help you understand
your condition and treatment options,
and there is no cost to eligible members
and dependents.
Hinge Health will contact you
about how to sign up for this program.
With Sandia National Laboratories,
you also have support from our 24/7
nurse line,
which is available at no cost to you.
They provide around the clock
health and wellness advice
from licensed professionals.
I also want to highlight
our digital mental health partner,
Learn to Live.
Their motto is, Change your mind. Change your life.
So many New Mexicans are struggling
with their mental and emotional health.
Learn to Live
makes it easy for our members
to get the help they need
in the privacy of their own home.
Learn to Live
is a leader in tackling
behavioral health challenges
through a digital platform
which delivers assessments,
online cognitive behavioral
therapy programs and services.
There are five condition specific programs:
depression, stress, anxiety and worry,
social anxiety, insomnia,
substance use.
Each of which is delivered in a user paced
multimedia experience.
Available on-demand with the options
for 1 to 1 coaching services.
All of this is delivered at no cost
to members.
It's easy to access via internet,
any device,
tablet, smartphone, desktop.
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Ages 13
and over are eligible to participate.
Our wellness portal,
Well onTarget, automatically customizes
to your preferences
Well onTarget features
many tools to help you become healthier.
Begin by taking a health assessment.
Take one of the 20 Self-Management
Utilize the trackers and monitoring tools.
What we can measure. What we can manage.
Earn Blue Points
for everything you do
on the Well onTarget portal,
which can be redeemed on our online
shopping mall.
Utilize the mobile app, AlwaysOn
for easier access.
Well onTarget also has a library full
of wellness information
for you to explore, along with interactive
digital self-management programs
on a range of wellbeing topics such as:
embracing your physical activity,
managing your stress,
improving your sleep,
managing your metabolic syndrome,
preventing diabetes, healthy bone
and joints.
It's easy, flexible
and allows you to choose
how you wish to move by picking the plan
that is best for you.
If you prefer to work out at home
and on demand,
a digital only option is also available.
For those who prefer boutique style
classes or martial arts.
The Studio Class
Network is your best choice.
This is a pay-as-you-go option
and you receive 30% off your 10th class.
Blue365 member discount program.
Simply for being a Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico member,
you will be able to receive exclusive
health and wellness
deals from national and local retailers
to help keep you healthy.
Save money on health care products
and services that are not always covered
by your benefit plan,
such as gym memberships,
vision exams and services, hearing aids,
fitness devices and diet related services.
Log on to the Blue Access for Members
and under the Member Services tab,
you'll find updates
on the discount program. From your blue
access from member's homepage,
you can access the Blue365 member discount program
from the Wellness menu under My Health.
Prepare for your life changing journey.
Whether you are pregnant
or planning to get pregnant.
Blue Cross Blue
Shield New Mexico has tools
to help you at no extra cost.
Ovia Health apps
are for tracking your cycle,
pregnancy and baby's growth.
Each app
has videos, tips, coaching and more.
Ovia fertility helps you track your cycle
and predict
when you are more likely to get pregnant.
Ovia pregnancy helps you
track your pregnancy
and baby's growth week by week
leading up to your baby's due date.
Ovia parenting helps track your child's
growth from birth through three years old.
Well onTarget has self-guided
courses about pregnancy that you can take
online covering healthy foods,
body changes, labor and more.
Plus, if your pregnancy is high risk.
Blue Cross Blue Shield New Mexico
will provide support for maternity
specialists to help you care for yourself
and your baby.
Stay engaged in your health care.
How to be a smart consumer.
Utilize in-network providers
whenever possible
to help you potentially reduce
your health care spending.
Use a provider finder to research cost
at different hospitals.
Review your explanation of benefits
and bills sent by your providers.
Make sure that you and the plan
are being charged
only for services that you received.
Take care of yourself.
Use wellness benefits and get appropriate
preventive medical care as needed.
Don't wait until
you have to go to the emergency room.
See your physician regularly
for preventive care or illness.
Call your doctor
to pre-qualify your symptoms.
Improve communications with your doctor.
Ask questions about prescribed medications
and treatment,
and follow the recommendation
of your health care provider.
Let your physician guide you
to the appropriate drug therapy.
Use generic and over-the-counter drugs
whenever they are available
for your condition.
Talk to your doctor about lower cost
drug options and visit:
for more health and wellness information.
Our service goal is to resolve
your inquiry and one call if we need to.
We'll even call your doctor's office.
This concludes the Blue cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico presentation.
Our purpose is to do everything
in our power
to stand with our members,
in sickness and in health.
Thank you.
Welcome to Sandia National Labs
open enrollment for pre Medicare retirees
January through December Plan Year 2025.
So why should you choose
Blue Cross and Blue Shield?
Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico offers
the largest PPO networks of providers
in the nation.
We contract with more doctors
and hospitals than any other carriers.
We provide health and wellness programs
that help
you stay healthy and manage
ongoing conditions.
You have access to digital and mobile
technology and programs
that help you manage your health
and wellness information.
We have unrivaled customer service.
You can get personalized assistance
with your questions, benefit and claim
inquiries, and help finding a provider
or navigating digital tools.
We make accessing doctors and hospitals
a top priority,
so our members have access
to the best care possible anytime,
anywhere, and our national discounts
are second to none.
So you save money.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield offers
you the largest
directly contracted
PPO network in the nation
with more than 2 million providers,
which includes Blue Distinction centers
such as MD Anderson, Heart Hospital,
and The University of New Mexico
Cancer Center, to name a few.
As a New Mexico resident,
the Total Health PPO and Health Savings Plan
includes access to three tiers of providers.
When enrolled, you automatically
have access to all three tiers.
Tier one includes our Blue Preferred
Plus network of providers.
You can benefit
from this select network of providers
and pay less out of pocket,
but still have flexibility to get care
from providers within our larger
PPO network in tier two.
Here's how it works
and how it can help you save money.
To get the highest level of benefits,
you and your covered dependents
should select a New Mexico provider within
the Blue Preferred Network or tier one.
You will pay the least out-of-pocket cost
by using providers
within the Blue
Preferred Network in New Mexico.
You still have the choice to get care
from providers within the larger national
PPO network in tier two, but you will pay
slightly higher out-of-pocket cost.
You will
pay the highest out-of-pocket costs
if you choose an out-of-network
provider in tier three.
You may also have to pay
those fees upfront.
You will find that there are a wide
variety of providers
throughout the state of New Mexico
within our tier
one Blue Preferred Provider network.
Included in over the 12,000 contracted
providers are UNM
Health System, Christus Saint
Vincent Health System,
Optum and Loveless Health System.
Later, we will discuss how to determine
which additional providers
are in the blue preferred network.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico
offers a national PPO program
that allows coverage
regardless of where you live.
This robust national network
is the largest in the industry.
This network also encompasses
a full range of ancillary services
such as home health care, hospice,
private duty nursing, surgery centers,
and skilled nursing facilities.
However, provider participation
may vary on a network
specific basis.
Outside of the United States
members have access
to participating doctors and hospitals
in more than 190 countries.
With BlueCard, you can enjoy the peace of mind
knowing you have access
to network providers
when traveling out of state.
Through the BlueCard PPO program,
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
plans work together to help
ensure our members receive reliable,
affordable health care.
Blue Cross Blue Shield plans
throughout the country have established
PPO networks of doctors, hospitals,
and other health care providers.
All members have to do is show their Blue
Cross and Blue Shield ID
card with the suitcase logo at the network
provider's office, just like at home.
Blue Distinction Specialty Care
focuses on hospitals
and other health care
facilities that excel in delivering
safe, effective treatment
for specialty procedures,
such as, knee and hip replacement,
cardiac care, bariatric
or weight loss surgery, and transplants.
The choices you make matter, especially
when it comes to your health care.
The hospital you select
can have a direct impact on the care
you receive and your procedure results.
But finding the right hospital
can sometimes be a challenge.
Uses patient safety and outcomes measures,
plus hospital specific costs data
to identify
expertise and efficient specialty care.
Launched in 2006,
Blue Distinction is a national designation
awarded by Blue Cross and Blue Shield
to hospitals and medical facilities
that have demonstrated expertise
in delivering quality health
care in the areas of bariatric surgery,
cardiac care,
knee and hip replacement, maternity care,
spine surgery, and transplants.
The designation is based on objective,
evidence based selection
criteria established in collaboration
with expert physicians
and medical organizations.
The Blues focused
first on high variability,
high volume and or complex procedures.
Blue Distinction Center designations
are for Blue Cross Blue Shield
participating medical facilities
and hospitals
only at this point. Not for physicians
or other individual providers.
We are thrilled to announce the launch
of a new provider option
effective July 1st, 2024,
for your employees
covered through Blue Cross and Blue
Shield New Mexico.
As you know, providing our members
with the best health
care options is top priority.
We understand
the importance of convenience,
accessibility, and quality of care.
Our new virtual primary care services
provided by Galileo
offer a range of benefits,
convenience, and accessibility.
Member can consult with the primary care
from the comfort of their own homes
or work, reducing the need for travel
and wait times for an in-person
Comprehensive care.
Virtual primary care
includes routine checkups,
chronic condition management,
prescription refills, and more.
24/7 availability.
Access to healthcare
professionals around the clock
ensures your clients receive
timely medical advice and support.
We believe this new provider option
will be a powerful addition
to the services provided to our members.
By promoting virtual primary care.
You are giving them an opportunity to
access additional providers for services.
Employer groups
and their eligible members can learn
more about Galileo
and create their account
to get started at:
How virtual visits work.
Visit the website
Choose a doctor.
Video chat with the doctor.
You can also access their blue access
for members on the mobile app.
Download the app from the Apple Store,
Google Play or Windows Store.
Open the app and choose a doctor.
Video chat with the doctor
from your mobile device via telephone.
Call MD live at
(888) 676-4204.
Speak with the health service specialist.
Speak with a doctor
in the event of an emergency.
This service should not take the place of
an emergency room or urgent care center.
MD live doctors
do not take the place of your primary care
diagnosis should come from your doctor
and medical advice
is always between you and your doctor.
Before contacting MD
live, call your doctor's office.
They may also offer
telehealth consultations by phone
or online video.
Members can take advantage
to make online video
and FaceTime calls with MDLIVE virtual visits.
They can share
complete medical history, send
and receive secure messages, and upload
and share symptoms with their provider.
All MDLIVE doctors are U.S board
MDLIVE is designed to handle
non-emergency medical conditions.
Doctors can prescribe medication
as part of an MDLIVE appointment.
The MDLIVE app takes advantage
of mobile technology members already
use and allows them to access a doctor
at home, at work or on the go,
24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The MDLIVE app is available for download
on Apple and Android devices.
It is highly recommended
to register immediately.
That way, when you need assistance
through an MDLIVE doctor,
you will be good to go.
Provider Finder Platform
is available to members when logging in
through Blue Access for Members
as shown above.
So, let's get started with Provider Finder.
First, go to
Next, log in to Blue Access for Members
with your username and password.
If you are not yet a registered user,
follow the prompts to complete
You'll need some information
from your member ID card,
so be sure to have it handy.
With the Blue Preferred Plus plan,
you can save even more money
by using a doctor or hospital
that participates in the Blue
Preferred Network.
Now that you know it's cost
effective to use a provider in tier one
or tier two, let us help you find one
through our Provider Finder tool.
It's easy to find a doctor, hospital,
or other health care
provider that participates in the Blue
Preferred Network.
You can select this network name
within your search,
and if a provider is within the Blue
Preferred Network,
it will be indicated on the right hand
side of the screen.
you need to determine which network
your provider is in
to know your coverage level.
We're going to start off by
talking about your plan options
through Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
You have the choice of two plan options.
The Total Health PPO plan
or the High Deductible Health Plan.
Let's look at the Total Health PPO plan.
Total Health PPO offers direct
open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
You have the flexibility
and choice to utilize
and then network or out of network provider.
In-network, contracted, or preferred providers
have a signed contract
with Blue Cross Blue Shield,
and are responsible
for filing claims on your behalf,
and will not balance bill you.
If you choose to go out of network,
you will be able to see a licensed
non contracted provider.
Please note that you may pay
more for services received,
will need to file your own claims,
and could be balance
billed for charges over the allowable fee.
Most importantly,
the Total Health PPO plan
allows you the flexibility
to choose your own providers.
The Blue Preferred
tier one network offers similar benefits,
quality and services as a PPO tier two network
but at a more affordable cost
through an exclusive New Mexico
narrow network of providers.
Both tier one and tier two networks
offer a wide range of benefits,
including home health care, hospice,
private duty nursing, surgery,
and skilled nursing centers.
Health and wellness
programs are available,
including telemedicine
and virtual visits through MDLIVE.
Inspira Financial will be your HRA
administrator effective January 1st, 2024.
You will be able to use your debit card
for many expenses, which will give you
more control and flexibility over how
and when your funds are or
access to pay for services.
Your HRA pays your eligible expenses
as long as there are funds in it.
After your HRA funds have been used,
you are responsible for all cost until you
reach your out-of-pocket maximum.
Once you have met
your individual deductible or your family
members have met the family deductible,
you and the medical plan share expenses.
This is called co-insurance.
Your share is 10% of eligible
expenses for the Blue Preferred Network,
20% of eligible expenses
for in-network PPO,
and 40% of eligible expenses
for out-of-network.
For your protection,
there is a limit on how much you need
to pay out of your own pocket.
Once you reach the amounts shown above,
you are covered at 100% of eligible
expenses for the rest of the year.
Please remember only your cost
for health services,
go towards your deductible
and out-of-pocket maximum.
Pharmacy costs
do not count towards your deductible
or out-of-pocket
maximum on the Total Health PPO plan.
Please note that monies paid towards
your in-network
deductible and out-of-pocket maximum
do not cross over to the out-of-network
Like Total Health PPO,
the high deductible Health plan offers
open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
You have the flexibility and choice
to utilize
in-network or out-of-network provider.
Same quality and services
as a Total Health PPO plan.
Offers direct open access
to our nationwide network of providers.
All costs go towards a higher annual
Both tier one and tier two networks
preventive care benefits
without having to meet the deductible.
You have the flexibility and choice
to utilize an in-network
or out-of-network provider.
With the High Deductible health plan
you will have higher deductibles,
which must be met before
any cost-sharing begins.
Once the entire deductible
has been met,
you will be responsible
for the co-insurance
until your out-of-pocket
maximum has been met for the year.
With this plan, all your medical
and pharmacy costs
go towards the deductible.
Please note that monies paid towards
your in-network deductible
and the out-of-pocket maximum
do not cross over to
the out-of-network benefits.
Now I'll discuss some of the
online tools that you will have access to.
As a Blue Cross Blue Shield member,
you can utilize the Blue Access
for Members website.
You will need to register
for this password protected website
where you can: print
temporary ID cards or request new ones,
review your explanation of benefits,
email customer service,
search for contracted providers,
have access to our cost estimator tool
for the PPO plan,
which we will talk about in a moment
and access
your enhanced health and wellness tools.
Members also have access to our Blue Cross
Blue Shield New Mexico mobile app.
Please note that members must register
through our website
before they will have access to the app.
Through the app, you can view an ID
card and download a digital copy.
View benefits and eligibility,
including deductibles,
coinsurance, copays, out-of-pocket
maximums, and covered dependents.
View claims status,
access health and wellness tools.
Our cost estimator tool can be found
within the provider finder,
and it allows members to search
for estimated out-of-pocket cost
for a variety of services to see where
you and your employer can save money.
This slide shows
the expected cost range for the procedure,
followed by facilities in your search area
that perform
this procedure
along with your expected cost.
As you can see in this example
for an artificial joint repair revision,
hip or knee,
there are differences
in cost between facilities.
These cost estimates
are based on actual benefit plan
and BlueCross BlueShield,
New Mexico contracted amounts
and show how much deductible
and out-of-pocket
amounts remain.
Now let's discuss your health and wellness
Your health benefits
include tools that help
you get healthier, how
and when it works for you.
Through Blue Access for Members,
you can access resources
to help you manage your health conditions.
Get answers to health questions
and reach your wellness goals.
For quick access
to all your health and wellness resources,
go to
Sign up for or log into Blue Access
for Members.
If you have a serious injury or illness,
you may get a call from a Blue Cross
Blue Shield New Mexico Health advisor.
Your health advisor is a health
professional who can help
you understand your conditions and care,
plan and address your health concerns.
They work with your doctors
and your own team of specialists
to make sure you're getting appropriate
care and support
until you reach your optimum health.
When your health advisor calls,
they may ask you some personal details
to make sure they are talking
to the right person.
This is to keep your health information private.
Your health
advisor will not try to sell you anything,
and what you discuss with your health
advisor will not be shared
with your employer.
Introducing Hinge Health
effective January 1st, 2025.
Hinge Health provides
a digital, 12-week coach led
musculoskeletal program based on proven
non-surgical care guidelines.
The program is delivered to you using
mobile and computer guided technology.
You will have access to a personal health
exercise therapy in your own home,
education articles to help you understand
your condition and treatment options,
and there is no cost to eligible members
and dependents.
Hinge Health will contact you
about how to sign up for this program.
With Sandia National Laboratories,
you also have support from our
24/7 Nurseline,
which is available at no cost to you.
They provide around the clock
health and wellness advice
from licensed professionals.
I also want to highlight
our digital mental health partner,
Learn to Live.
Their motto is, Change your mind. Change your life.
So many New Mexicans are struggling
with their mental and emotional health.
Learn to Live
makes it easy for our members
to get the help they need
in the privacy of their own home.
Learn to Live
is a leader in tackling
behavioral health challenges
through a digital platform
which delivers assessments,
online cognitive behavioral
therapy programs and services.
There are five condition specific programs:
depression, stress, anxiety and worry,
social anxiety, insomnia,
substance use.
Each of which is delivered in a user paced
multimedia experience.
Available on-demand with the options
for 1 to 1 coaching services.
All of this is delivered at no cost
to members.
It's easy to access via internet,
any device,
tablet, smartphone, desktop.
Available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Ages 13
and over are eligible to participate.
Our wellness portal,
Well onTarget, automatically customizes
to your preferences
Well onTarget features
many tools to help you become healthier.
Begin by taking a health assessment.
Take one of the 20 Self-Management
Utilize the trackers and monitoring tools.
What we can measure. What we can manage.
Earn Blue Points
for everything you do
on the Well onTarget portal,
which can be redeemed on our online
shopping mall.
Utilize the mobile app, AlwaysOn
for easier access.
Well onTarget also has a library full
of wellness information
for you to explore, along with interactive
digital self-management programs
on a range of wellbeing topics such as:
embracing your physical activity,
managing your stress,
improving your sleep,
managing your metabolic syndrome,
preventing diabetes, healthy bone
and joints.
It's easy, flexible
and allows you to choose
how you wish to move by picking the plan
that is best for you.
If you prefer to work out at home
and on demand,
a digital only option is also available.
For those who prefer boutique style
classes or martial arts.
The Studio Class
Network is your best choice.
This is a pay-as-you-go option
and you receive 30% off your 10th class.
Blue365 member discount program.
Simply for being a Blue Cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico member,
you will be able to receive exclusive
health and wellness
deals from national and local retailers
to help keep you healthy.
Save money on health care products
and services that are not always covered
by your benefit plan,
such as gym memberships,
vision exams and services, hearing aids,
fitness devices and diet related services.
Log on to the Blue Access for Members
and under the Member Services tab,
you'll find updates
on the discount program. From your blue
access from member's homepage,
you can access the Blue365 member discount program
from the Wellness menu under My Health.
Stay engaged in your health care.
How to be a smart consumer.
Utilize in-network providers
whenever possible
to help you potentially reduce
your health care spending.
Use a provider finder to research cost
at different hospitals.
Review your explanation of benefits
and bills sent by your providers.
Make sure that you and the plan
are being charged
only for services that you received.
Take care of yourself.
Use wellness benefits and get appropriate
preventive medical care as needed.
Don't wait until
you have to go to the emergency room.
See your physician regularly
for preventive care or illness.
Call your doctor
to pre-qualify your symptoms.
Improve communications with your doctor.
Ask questions about prescribed medications
and treatment,
and follow the recommendation
of your health care provider.
Let your physician guide you
to the appropriate drug therapy.
Use generic and over-the-counter drugs
whenever they are available
for your condition.
Talk to your doctor about lower cost
drug options and visit:
for more health and wellness information.
Our service goal is to resolve
your inquiry and one call if we need to.
We'll even call your doctor's office.
This concludes the Blue cross and Blue
Shield of New Mexico presentation.
Our purpose is to do everything
in our power
to stand with our members,
in sickness and in health.
Thank you.
Call BCBSNM Customer Service at 1-877-498-7652, or visit Sandia National Laboratories.